The opening barrage of local dishes |
As a self-proclaimed foodie, it's my responsibility
to try new foods as I encounter them. Don't get me wrong, I’m no Anthony
Bourdain or Andrew Zimmern. No entrails or blood-based dishes for me; I admit that
pate and sweetbreads might be tasty,
but I've watched a few too many episodes of CSI and Criminal Minds to be
comfortable with this concept. No whole animals – octopi on a stick, balut, and
escargot, for instance – because my Midwestern upbringing hasn't left me
completely. No exceptionally smelly foods (I'm looking at you durian and
Limburger), since having a great sense of smell is a double-edged sword. I
freely admit that my rules are arbitrary, and that I probably have eaten
something by mistake or deception that I wouldn't have otherwise. Case in
point, eating blood sausage is something I wouldn't do now. Nevertheless, I was
probably seven when I had a piece after some extended family member said it was
salami. And raw oysters are a deliberate exception, because they are delicious
with a little lemon juice. Still, I adhere to my self-imposed restrictions
because eating should be an enjoyable experience, not an exercise in